IEEE HPSR 2023 seeks tutorial proposals on new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference.
Guideline for Tutorial Proposals
The proposal should not exceed 4 one-column pages and must include:
- Title
- Name, affiliation, and a short biography of each tutorial speaker.
- Abstract, objectives, and motivation.
- Timeliness, duration (e.g., 1.5h; 3h) and intended audience.
- A description of the technical issues that the tutorial will address, emphasizing its timeliness.
- An outline of the tutorial content, including its tentative schedule.
- Pre-required environment (e.g., Virtual machine, PC characteristics, AWS account, etc.)
- If appropriate, a description of the past/relevant experience of the speaker(s) on the topic of the tutorial.
Tutorial proposals must be submitted in PDF format on or before December 16, 2022 by e-mail to the IEEE HPSR 2023 Tutorial Chair, using “HPSR2023 Tutorial Proposal” in the subject line.
Submission of tutorial proposals should be made to the Tutorial Chair of HPSR 2023 by email to the following address:
Chiara Boldrini, IIT-CNR, Italy (